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Translation services

We have been working for and with high-profile and quality-seeking customers since 2008. Countless pages of translated texts, continuous self-improvement, and handling of non-standard translation tasks lay the foundation for unvarying excellence. You can entrust us with the linguistic support of your business!

Are you looking for special, non-mainstream translation solution

Do you have a unique request?
Your request may not fit into the range of standard services. You may have failed to find the language you need in the offered list, or you may want your text to be translated from one foreign language into another (from Chinese to Portuguese). You may need specific market research in China or Brazil... We would love to hear from you; we can offer your solutions to your problem! Place an order

About the company

The TRANSLIT Company was founded in Ekaterinburg in 2008. The co-founders and co-CEOs of the company are Sergei and Anna Bystretskikh. The company holds a leading position on the regional market. 2024幸运飞行艇官网开奖查询 官方开奖号码记录 translation companies in Russia (according to The TRANSLIT Company provides translation services to major companies and government entities across the Ural Region.


Quality is not just a word for us. We stand by it both with our reputation and financial liability for the end product.
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To get a better idea of our services and strengths, look at real-life examples of our projects.

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Complete case



We work steadily with more than 40 languages; at your request, we can find an expert linguist in rarer languages and dialects. We keep our prices at the optimum level to make sure that you are satisfied with the end product without overpaying for it.

Get a quote

Submit your request in any format to get a free quote, and we get back to you within 30 minutes during business hours. We will ask you for details, for any special requirements and preferences to offer you the best solution.

Upload the document (pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf) or archive (zip, rar), if available

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